Sunday, May 22, 2011

The end...

As our second battle goes on I saw my men struggling I urge then on "yet, countrymen, o, yet hold up your heads!" Later in the day i can see that me and my men won't win this. As me , Clitus, Dardanjius, Volumnius, and Strato stand on another part of the field I decide that my time has come to an end. I call Clitus over and ask him if he would take my life and he absolutely refused saying that he would rather take his own life. I then call Dardanius over and ask him the same thing, he too refuses. I feel as if no one will, I call Volumnius over and plead to him. I tell him how i have seen the ghost of Caesar twice " i know my house is come: i say, he still refuses. I still begging him tell him to take a good look at how things are going that it's not looking good for us. He tells me that it is not a job for a friend. Clitus then comes in and tells us all that we had to flee. I turn to all of them and tell them farewell and how i will have more glory from this defeat than Octavious and Antony will from their victory. I tell them to go and that i will follow. They leave, I tell Strato to stay behind with me. I tell him to take my sword and hold it out while i run into it. He hesitates but agrees. He takes my hand and says "fare you well my lord", I reply with a farewell and run into my sword. My last words before i die are " Caesar, now be still, I kill'd thee with half so good a will."

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